In meiner beruflichen wie sportlichen Karriere habe ich für Marken wie Porsche, Jaguar, Lotus, Red Bull, Bosch, Aigner, Seat, Mini gearbeitet.
Menschen sind unterwegs und müssen mobil bleiben. Karrierechancen, Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten, mehr Gestaltungsspielräume.
Globalisierung findet nicht nur auf den Märkten statt, sondern auch im Kopf. Wie wichtig ist es da, Mobilität und Ankommen ganz individuell gesichert zu wissen. Jeder möchte schließlich in seiner neuen Heimat aufleben.
Wie bei dem Spieleentwickler aus Zimbabwe, der nach München zog.
Mit &Y FOX REALOCATION bekam er nicht nur seine Wohnung, sondern fand indirekt auch gleich neue Freunde.
Wir brachten ihn in die Gamer-Szene. Capoeira-Master gaben ihm Tipps, Adressen und halfen ihm dabei, schnell in der Stadt Fuß zu fassen.
Oder bei dem ehemaligen Technik-Vorstand einer italienischen Sportwagen-Marke, der zu einem bayerischen Motorenhersteller wechselte. Der Mann ist sehr bodenständig. Den Status sieht man ihm nicht an. Ganz im Gegenteil, er will in seiner knapp bemessenen Freizeit mit seiner Gitarre in Bars mit anderen Musikern jammen.
&Y FOX REALOCATION stellte die Kontakte her.
Oder der kalifornische IT-Experte, der als Surfer in München den Pazifik vermisst. Stimmt! München liegt nicht an einem Meer. Aber mehr von Surfern weiß man, wer als Surfer bei &Y FOX REALOCATION arbeitet und sofort einen Kontakt zur Eisbach-Surfer-Community herstellt.
„I was devasteted when I lost my flat. My landlord needed it for his own use. In Munich it’s really hard to find a apartment but Andy found me one in no time. I’m very grateful - thanks Andy.“
„Dear Andy,
Thank you so much or vielen Dank for your help. It means so much to us and you really helped us settle in.
Best of luck in the future!
Kind regards
Maya & Kieran“
„Hi Andreas,
How are you doing there;-)?
I wanted to reached out and thank you about your great help in finding a flat here in Munich and your support.
Your selections were a good fit to what me and my family were looking for and thanks to your suggestions we were able to find exactly what we were looking for.
Also I found your communication very welcoming and made things easier in contacting owners and handle their requirements.
Thank you one more time for helping me and my family in solving the most difficult step in our journey here “Finding a roof ;-)”.
I wish all the best,
„Guten Tag Andy,
Thank you for your mail. Nice to hear from you.
I am doing great. Hope the same with you.
I am lucky to get an apartment at Olympia as it is a lively place. Thanks to you:)
Coming to the precise points you have supported me:
1. Searching for the apartments and dealing with the landlord for appointments: It was a great deal for me as I am new to Munich and conversation would be a difficult task.
2. As I could figure out that getting an apartment is very difficult in Munich but thanks to you for making it easy. I got the apartment in my first viewing itself and also on the time I wanted.
3. English translation of Rental contract which was very useful.
To conclude I am more than satisfied with your service.
Have a nice day.
Thanks & Regards“
„Hi Andy,
Thanks, flat is really good, I am glad we can manage it so fast.
I never do this, so if this will not be what you need , just let me know.
It was really pleasure to work with you. You were always on time on place. Everything was discussed with me.
You helped me with registration in Munich office – that was actually really quickly managed. Later on you were with me again in Augsburg office to register me in my new flat.
Also we were in bank to open new account – which I am glad I have for free. After we confirmed flat viewing via emails we were in few visits.
In all cases mentioned above I will be lost because of my German language is on zero.
If I will recommend you? YES definitely. You are nice, kind, flexible and willing.
When I will need manage something in future I will ask you for help.
Thanks for your help
Kind Regards“
„Grüß Gott Herr Fuchs,
vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung und die professionelle Zusammenarbeit! Ihre aufgeschlossene und freundliche Art hilft ungemein die Orientierung in einer neuen Stadt zu finden!
Beste Grüße“