In my professional as well as in my sports career I’ve been working with brands like Porsche, Jaguar, Lotus, Red Bull, Bosch, Aigner, Seat and Mini.
Today people are on the move and need to stay mobile. Career chances, opportunities for advancement and more freedom of leeway.
Globalization is not just happening in the markets but also in the mind. Therefore it is so important to have mobility but also arriving ensured individually. At the end of the day everybody wants to revive a new home.
Like the game developer from Zimbabwe who moved to Munich.
With &Y FOX REALOCATION he did not just get his new apartment but indirectly found new friends immediately.
We connected him with the gamer community. Capoeira-master gave him tips and addresses and helped him to quickly take a foothold in the city.
Or the former tech executive of an Italian sports car brand who changed over to a Bavarian car manufacturer. He has both feet on the ground. You would not recognize his status. In his very tight calculated leisure time he wants to take his guitar to bars and jam with other musicians.
&Y FOX REALOCATION made the connections.
Or even the IT expert from California who missed the Pacific being a Surfer in Munich. Right! Munich is not located near the sea. However &Y FOX REALOCATION connected him with the Eisbach surfer community.